
福建海事 2023-05-27 11:00:59

2023-05-27 11:00:59


To ensure safe navigation and improve navigational environment along Fujian coastal waters, Fujian MSA has released the notice of adjusting the recommended routes along the coastal water to all vessels. The adjustments include inner routes, middle routes and outer routes. We hereby reminding all vessels to keep relevant nautical charts and publications up-to-date. Please be noted the geographical positions in this notice are based on the WGS-84 datum.



Recommended Inner Routes


The recommended inner route is close to the shore, leads to shallow in depth, restricted in water width and complex waypoints. Some sections of the routes pass through island waters, with many obstacles, intersections and complicated water flows. However, vessels can easily check their positions with aids of islands, lighthouses, and light marks. The route is dominated by vessels of less than 5,000 tons, with a high density of vessel traffic, especially during strong winds and waves. Some sections are only designed for small vessels due to restricted water depth and navigable width. The width of this route is not defined. It is recommended that southbound vessels navigate in the navigable waters on the west or north side of the route, and northbound vessels navigate in the navigable waters on the east or south side of the route to reduce encounters. The details of each section of the route are listed as follows:

1.1 北关岛至浮鹰岛

Beiguan Dao-Fuying Dao


Table 1 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Beiguan Dao and Fuying

1.2 浮鹰岛至洋屿(南向)

Fuying Dao-Yang Yu



Table 2 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Fuying Dao and Yang Yu (Southbound)


Yang Yu-Fuying Dao



Table 3 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Yang Yu and Fuying Dao (Northbound)

1.4 西台山至魁山岛

Xitai Shan-Kuishan Dao


Table 4 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Xitai Shan and Kuishan Dao

1.5 魁山岛至闽江口(南向)

Kuishan Dao-Minjiang Kou



Table 5 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Kuishan Dao and Minjiang Kou (Southbound)

1.6 闽江口至魁山岛(北向)

Minjiang Kou-Kuishan Dao



Table 6 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Minjiang Kou and Kuishan Dao (Northbound)

1.7 闽江口至东洛岛东(南向)

Minjiang Kou-East Dongluo Dao



Table 7 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Minjiang Kou and East Dongluo Dao (Southbound)

1.8 东洛岛东至闽江口(北向)

East Dongluo Dao- Minjiang Kou



Table 8 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between East Dongluo Dao and Minjiang Kou (Northbound)

1.9 东洛岛东至鼓屿门航道

East Dongluo Dao-Guyumen



Table 9 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between East Dongluo Dao and Guyumen Channel

1.10 鼓屿门航道至平潭海峡大桥北

Guyumen Channel-North

of Pingtan Strait Bridge


Table 10 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Guyumen Channel and North of Pingtan Strait Bridge

1.11 大小练航道进出海坛海峡

Haitan Haixia via Daxiaolian



Table 11 Waypoints of the Recommended Route for Haitan Haixia via Daxiaolian

1.12 平潭海峡大桥桥区(南向)

Pingtan Strait Bridge Waters



Table 12 Waypoints of the Recommended Route in Pingtan Strait Bridge Waters (Southbound)

1.13 平潭海峡大桥桥区(北向)

Pingtan Strait Bridge Waters



Table 13 Waypoints of the Recommended Route in Pingtan Strait Bridge Waters (Northbound)

1.14 平潭海峡大桥至南日水道

Pingtan Strait Bridge-Nanri



Table 14 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Pingtan Strait Bridge and Nanri Shuidao

1.15 白屿经目屿至南日水道

Bai Yu to Nanri Shuidao

via Mu Yu


Table 15 Waypoints of the Recommended Route from Bai Yu to Nanri Shuidao via Mu Yu

1.16 南日水道至祥芝角(南向)

Nanri Shuidao- Xiangzhi Jiao



The southbound route from Nanri Shuidao to Xiangzhi Jiao consists of two sections: from Nanri Shuidao to Pinghai Wan and from Pinghai Wan to Xiangzhi Jiao.



①Nanri Shuidao-Pinghai Wan

Due the effects of Pinghai Wan offshore wind farm, the route from Nanri Shuidao to Pinghai Wan is currently being optimized and adjusted. Vessels are advised to navigate with cautions by checking the sailing directions (to be released) and other nautical publications for water depth, obstacles, aids to navigation, as well as the wind, waves, tides, and their own conditions. Southbound vessels are recommended to navigate on the north side of the water area. These southbound vessels should keep appropriate communication with other northbound vessels and avoid encounter situations in the Jian Yu buoy light waters. All vessels should remain radio watchkeeping via VHF to receive necessary information from local MSA and O&M department of offshore wind farms. Vessels will enter the following section of the route when sailing to the A50 waypoint point (25°07'47.6"N, 119°16'35.0"E).


Pinghai Wan- Xiangzhi Jiao


Table 16 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Pinghai Wan and Xiangzhi Jiao

1.17 祥芝角至南日水道(北向)

Xiangzhi Jiao-Nanri Shuidao



The northbound route from Xiangzhi Jiao to Nanri Shuidao consists of two sections: from Xiangzhi Jiao to Pinghai Wan and from Pinghai Wan to Nanri Shuidao.


Xiangzhi Jiao-Pinghai Wan


Table 17 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Xiangzhi Jiao and Pinghai Wan


Pinghai Wan-Nanri Shuidao


Due the effects of Pinghai Wan offshore wind farm, the route from Nanri Shuidao to Pinghai Wan is currently being optimized and adjusted. Vessels are advised to navigate with cautions by checking the sailing directions (to be released) and other nautical publications for water depth, obstacles, aids to navigation, as well as the wind, waves, tides, and their own conditions. Northbound vessels are recommended to keep clear of aids to navigation and turbines in the offshore wind farm waters, remain communication with southbound vessels to avoid collisions, especially encountering other vessels in the Jian Yu light buoy waters. All vessels should remain radio watchkeeping via VHF to receive necessary information from local MSA and O&M department of offshore wind farms..

1.18 祥芝角至东碇岛

Xiangzhi Jiao-Dongding Dao


Table 18 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Xiangzhi Jiao and Dongding Dao

1.19 闽江口至东庠角(南向)

Minjiang Kou-Dongxiang Jiao



Table 19 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Minjiang Kou and Dongxiang Jiao (Southbound)


Dongxiang Jiao-Minjiang Kou



Table 20 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Dongxiang Jiao and Minjiang Kou (Northbound)

1.21 东庠角至东山岛

Dongxiang Jiao-Dongshan Dao


Table 21 Waypoints of the Recommended Route between Dongxiang Jiao and Dongshan Dao



Recommended Middle Routes


The middle route connects northern boundary (the coastal waters between Fujian and Zhejiang, east of Taishan Dao) and southern boundary (the coastal waters between Fujian and Guangdong). This route is a common route for medium-sized vessels that passing or calling major ports along the coast of Fujian. The middle route is straight and less waypoints in open sea areas, thereby with no limitations of depth and height of navigational clearance. The navigation aids system is well developed for necessary positioning for the medium and large vessels. The width of this route is not set. It is recommended that southbound vessels navigate along the west side and northbound vessels navigate in the east side to reduce encounters. The waypoints of the recommended middle route are shown in the table below.


Table 22 Waypoints of the Recommended Middle Route



Recommended Outer Routes


The outer route starts from the boundary between the coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang (north) and ends at the boundary between the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong (south). The middle route is straight and less waypoints in open sea areas, with no limitations of depth, width and air clearance. The route is far from the shore, hence the mainly effects are wind and waves, with few landmarks available for positioning. This route is suitable for large vessels navigating under all weather conditions, and suit for medium-sized vessels navigating under good weather and sea conditions. This route consists of the northbound outer route and the southbound outer route, which are relatively separated. The corresponding routes should be considered for all vessels based on their directions. The recommended turning points are shown in the table below.


Southbound Outer Route

表23 :南向航行外航路推荐转向点

Table 23 Waypoints of the Recommended Outer Route (Southbound)


Northbound Outer Route


Table 24 Waypoints of the Recommended Outer Route (Northbound)
