
2020-05-08 17:37:29

2020-05-08 17:37:29

屋顶湛红,茂林苍翠,The scarlet rooftop among the exuberant forest

四海茫茫,知了声声,the vast sea with the sound of cicada

天上的白云和海面的波纹,and the cloud in the sky and ripple on the sea

变成了心灵的彩画与诗歌,form a color picture and poem in our heart

素朴又丰富的景象是我期盼已久的家园。Such real and rich scene is the homeland I have been longing for.

远处传来悠扬的乐音,The melodious music comes from a distance

梦中的鼓浪屿,and Kulangsu Island in my dreams

世人都来赞咏你,is extolled by people in the world

我也愿化作尘土,and I would  turn into dust

俯身与你合而为一。just to meld with you

可爱的鼓浪屿,You are such a beautiful Kulangsu Island

我愿做一个平凡的画者,and I’m willing to be a normal painter

画你的一砖一瓦,drawing each piece of your bricks and tiles

画你的一草一木, your grass and tree

画你的忧愁岁月 your historical vicissitude

画你的百年荣光。And your hundreds of years’ glory

我愿作你虔诚的子孙,I’m willing to be your offspring

倾听你斑驳的流年,listening to your story

抚摸你的苦难和不幸;feeling your suffering and misfortune

我愿作你忠实的歌者,I’m willing to be a singer for you

书写你盛世的风云,writing down your legend

唱颂你的传奇与辉煌。extolling your glory

鼓浪屿 Kulangsu Island

你是我魂牵梦萦的港湾,you are the gulf that I’m dreaming of

我终于又回到你的身边,and finally I come back to you

犹如远处飘来的蒲公英种子,like dandelion’s seed wafting from a distance

落地生根,to strike roots here

安然无忧地成长。and grow up safe and sound

当目光透过棕榈树,Through palm

我还要悄悄地告诉你,I want to tell you quietly that

我爱你,鼓浪屿,I love you, Kulangsu Island

我爱你饱经沧桑的面容和静止的光阴,I love your weathered face and quiescence

黄家渡码头遥远的故事,and the story about Huangjiadu wharf

凤凰木生长在它的两岸;where two sides are growing Delonix regia

我爱你风华绝代的色彩和凝固的伤痕,I love your distinctive color and clotted scar

你在月夜里回忆昨日的旧梦, In the moonlight, you recall the dream of yesterday

像幽暗里闪耀的星点。being like the sparkling star in the darkness

我看见金光灿烂的天空下,Under the sunny sky

三角梅、鸡蛋花争艳斗丽,I see bougainvillea speetabilis and Plumeria rubra are in full blossom

而老榕树沉默观望着它们的万紫千红稍纵即逝。And the aged banian tree watches those flowers’ blossom so transient

街巷和石阶都变老了,The street, lane and stone stairs are getting aged

我在岸边等待黄昏,and I’m along the river bank waiting for dusk

等待远山的晚霞,and sunset clouds in the far mountains

朦胧的白色衬着飘逸动人的灰红,The dim moonlight is against the wafting gray red

像是老祖母衣柜里陈旧的丝绸。just being like the old silk cloth in grandma’s wardrobe.

时代的旋律流淌着全新的声浪,The new voice is flowing in the rhythm of times.

我是个异乡人,是远游客,I’m an outlander, a tourist from afar

我走向你即将落尽的夕照,Walking toward the setting sun that is about to be invisible.

拂袖是挥别也是归来。I’m waving to say goodbye and see you soon.
