
2020-05-08 17:37:37

2020-05-08 17:37:37


When it’s getting late into night and people is getting into sleep, the incense sticks makers just get their one day’s work started. In this small town surrounded by mountains, people has long before got used to starting their work at sunset.

深山里的篾香人 Bamboo incense sticks maker in the mountain


As one of four largest domestic incense sticks making bases, Dabu town of Yongchun county of Quanzhou city has hundreds of joss sticks manufacturers or workshops. Most of incense sticks used in domestic temples or exported to other countries around the world are made in Dabu town, so Dabu is called Chinese Incense Town


Hankou village of Dabu town is the original place that Yongchun bamboo incense sticks were made. The generations of Pu family have been living in the village and they are descendants of the Arabs who were good at making incense sticks. During Song dynasty, Pu Shougeng, who was the Arab served as customs officer in Quanzhou and his family had engaged in incense sticks business for generations. In the end of Ming dynasty and early of Qing dynasty, descendants of Pu family moved to Hankou village where they started developing bamboo incense sticks business there and gradually the making of incense stick became the special craftwork of Yongchuan county.

永春篾香蒲氏传人 蒲世朗 Pu Shilang, the inheritor of Pu family’s Yongchun bamboo incense sticks business

当时没有人做香There was no other people who made incense sticks at that time

全永春就我们蒲家一家做香 and around the Yongchun county, we Pu family was the only one who made the incense sticks.

做香到我这代十多代There are over ten generations before us generation

父亲爷爷通通都在做 and both my grandfather and father had engaged in making incense sticks

没有中断过without any stop

一代代在做的 and passed down to the next generation.


Yongchun bamboo incense sticks are made of thin bamboo strip which is stuck with incense powder and dried to be joss sticks. To make whatever type of bamboo incense sticks, it has to follow nine steps including sticking, rubbing, soaking, opening to fan shape, shaking, rolling out, dry, dyeing and being exposed to the sun.

第一遍是用篾脚蘸水The first round of making incense sticks is to dip the lower part of bamboo sticks, around 10 cm in length

留十公分脚沾下去into the water

拿起来在粉盘中黏香 and take them out to stick them with powder

搓一搓再收起来撞一撞 and then close the bunch of sticks and shake them

揉搓完第一遍结束The first round is over after finishing the rolling

第二遍蘸水再重复and the second round is to repeat what the first round is

四遍之后再给香染上红色或黑色and after four rounds, the sticks are dyed to be red or black

最后再把香散开到香台上晾晒 and then spread the sticks on the platform to be dried

就这样散开晒keeping them spread out this way


The last step is to expose sticks to the sun for being completely dried. The traditional way to dry incense sticks in Yongchun is called incense stick flowering, which required demanding skills to the makers. The bamboo incense sticks are bundled up, standing on the ground, slightly against makers’ hands and then swiftly turn to one side, appearing like flowers coming into bloom.

香弄好之后 Once incense sticks are made

要跺才能开they need to be flowering to be open

跺香花的话范围比较小 and it requires just a small place to be flowering

我们跺香花的话比较省土地so it would save land using the way of flowering.

现在做大了就用香台晒As our business is growing, we are currently using platform to dry incense sticks

下雨的话收起来也比较快 and we are able to put them away more quickly even if it rains


If being looked down Dabu town from above, the colorful bamboo incense sticks appear like beautiful carpets embellishing the fields. Blocks of colorful strips are strewn at random in terraced fields where villagers are busy with putting bundles of sticks on the shelves and the view is like people playing the colorful strings of a musical instrument.


The saying of Yongchun-made bamboo incense sticks have fragrance spreading all over the world is well known to all people in Yongchun. Over the centuries, the time doesn’t fade the charm of bamboo incense sticks at all but keep them more and more creative.



Surrounded by mountains and fields of bamboo incense sticks, those stick makers who live in the mountain not only witnessed the history of Silk Road on the sea but also left great history of Yongchun bamboo incense sticks through their efforts and wisdom.


Passing down to generations spreading all over the world.

